Posts in Photography
A Night at Steam Down in Photos

A night with Steam Down

Thanks again to the Steam Down crew for giving me their blessing to document the night which was not only the release of their brilliant single Free My Skin, but also the first time keys player Dominic performed his own music under the name Doom Cannon.

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Documenting Steam Down: Ready to Fly

Ready To Fly: Pre-show at Steam Down, Deptford, by Georgina Cook

There’s a buzz in the air, the musicians are on their way down the stairs and in the centre, a couple enjoying some pre show screen time and very aptly, the Steam Down flag, designed by Wumzum, ready to fly with the music.

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Hastings Weather

I have been loving the weather in Hastings this week. So incredibly changeable which means I’m not always prepared for the sudden downpours. I got stuck in one today which meant waiting under one of the solid but weather worn white bus-shelters on the promenade until it stopped. Except it didn’t. So I got my camera out and made the most of the seasonal drama. Those are the photos in the bottom row (except the middle one which is view from the office this evening).

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“Youth of Today” - The Teds

I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but I LOVE anything to do with sub cultures and youth culture and contemporary music history. Which is why when footage like this comes my way - about Teddy Boys, I get very excited.

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A Saturday afternoon with Ocean All Over

Ocean All Over is a live art / theatre company performing in public spaces around Scotland and beyond. It is the vision and masterpiece of creative director Alex Rigg who is prolific in the creation of poetry, music, costume and movement that form his shows.

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Photos from Boiler Room Festival's Bass Day

A few photos from Boiler Room Festival's Bass Day at The Bussey Building in Peckham last Friday. I was very happy to be showing a version of my “Who Wants A Rewind?” installation as part of a great line-up of music, art and poetry. This time the images were shown on a wall of tiled TV screens.

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Showing Early Dubstep Photography at Boiler Room Festival

I will be showing some music photography from my Drumz Of The South archive as part of Boiler Room Festival 2019: Day 3 - Bass THIS FRIDAY EVENING (11th October).

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Hastings is good to me. 2 years in and I have an exhibition launching with Vanessa Farinha this Sunday at Cake Room Hastings as part of the indomitable Coastal Currents festival!

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Photos of Hastings Jack In The Green 2019

Here, Jack In The Green, Hastings annual celebration of the coming of summer, sits next to the crowning of the May Queen as apparently the two are related. It’s a busy time of year for the Morris Dancers of Hastings, as well as the various community groups and societies in the area. It’s all nature and community and community and nature, generally framed and buffered with a whole lot of music, dancing and merriment - making it feel all that more normal and familiar for a girl that grew up with the dancing, merriment, music and community of events like Notting Hill Carnival.

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Friday 30th Nov: Electric Histories: V&A talk

I am delighted to have been invited by Youth Club Archive to London’s V&A museum this Friday, to talk about my experience photographing the early Dubstep scene alongside a projection of my images. The talk is part of a brilliant evening programme that celebrates electronic music in youth and subculture.

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Currently Feelin* (Podcast Love #1): A Small Voice

Today I listened to the latest episode of Ben Smith’s A Small Voice Podcast which I would say is undoubtedly the best photography podcast out there. Why? Because in talking to so many different photographers, so much about the medium is revealed - why & how photographers pick up a camera in the first place & how their own experiences & perspectives are inherently tied to the images that they make, for example. 

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Barbican dream.

I went to the Barbican Centre when I was a child, I’m sure of it, despite any evidence. I dreamt about it ever since - a dark staircase, labyrinthian balconies, golden faces, weird light.

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From the Archive

I lived in Paris for a few years, where I was fortunate to get to know some of the city's up and coming producers, DJ's and artist's. Once such person was Manaré - who as well as being highly creative, is a very nice person and a great person to photograph. It's rare gem meeting somebody so natural in front of the camera and I absolutely love this shoot which we did in the summer of 2011 in a small park near central Paris. In some of the shots, Manaré is modelling a t-shirt from his own label Noir Noir, which produces stunning pieces inspired by Art and Nature. It was an absolute pleasure to come across these photo's today, so I had to share them. I posted a few to give you an indication of the process involved in shooting people.

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Some of my "photos that tell the story of..." featured on Red Bull Music Website

In the run-up to Red Bull Music Odyssey event which happened on the 30th of June - the platform published a series of articles focusing on the photograph's and photographer's that helped to tell the story of some of the key genres and movements that in contemporary UK Music History. I was honoured to have some of my photos included.

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