Posts tagged dnb

Here’s a gallery of books that I’ve read, am reading or hope to read that are about or related to music that I’ve photographed or been involved with. I haven’t included Photography or image based books as I’m working on another project with which has music photography at its heart. Hold tight the visual people.

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Chatting about LDN music on Clare Considine's new radio show

Last week I was invited by writer and now broadcast journalist Clare Considine to talk about my relationship to London music for her new show on Radio Primavera Sound “London Scenery.”

The show is on air at tonight (16th Jan) at 9pm UK time and 10pm Spanish time.


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Some of my "photos that tell the story of..." featured on Red Bull Music Website

In the run-up to Red Bull Music Odyssey event which happened on the 30th of June - the platform published a series of articles focusing on the photograph's and photographer's that helped to tell the story of some of the key genres and movements that in contemporary UK Music History. I was honoured to have some of my photos included.

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