Hastings Weather


I have been loving the weather in Hastings this week. So incredibly changeable which means I’m not always prepared for the sudden downpours. I got stuck in one today which meant waiting under one of the solid-but-weather-worn white bus shelters on the promenade until it stopped. Except it didn’t. So I took my camera out and made the most of the seasonal drama. Those are the photos towards the bottom. My feet are almost constantly damp at the moment but, just look at those skies.

The skies and the seas are so nuts at the moment that I’m checking on them at an almost hourly rate, because you never know when the next rainbow will appear (twice in two days), weird “god” holes in the clouds, or sudden explosions of birds who are always one step ahead of the forecast. The view from my office (bottom photo) is like a nature programme, which is just as well because at the moment, when I’m not stuck in the rain, I’m here a lot editing photos and booking shoots.

On Sunday, en route to the great Pop-Up Emporium at Hastings Stade, there were an abnormal amount of both stones + anglers on the beach. I refrained from asking why but imagine that the anglers were due to:

  • Either there was some sort of contest going on (that “there is ALWAYS something going on in Hastings” is well known) OR

  • the anglers have special insight into fish behaviour and the likelihood of catching some (answers on a postcard please!)

As for the stones, they get washed up so hard that staircases down to the shingle get buried and there’s no way of walking along the lower promenade without giving your leg muscles a good work out. I’ve lived in and photographed East Sussex for 2 years now and it constantly surprises. I wouldn't change it for the world.
