Home Sweet Camera - An isolation inspired series.

When I moved to Paris in Jan 2010 I had no internet & no friends for 3 months which was very weird but led me to get up to all sorts of things with my camera in my tiny flat.
I looked back at some of the work I made then which led me to gather a collection of photos & videos I’ve made in the various homes I’ve lived in. Some are good, some are bad, some are funny & some are just straight up ridiculous. And you might spot some themes. I’ll be posting a selection on my Instagram account over the next few days / weeks and also here on the blog. It’s a sometimes surreal look at domestic boredom / creativity / exploration.


1 & 2 Sexy Legs, 2010

3. That time I was obsessed with Michel Gondry films, 2010.

4 & 5: Untitled Bedroom series, 2009

6: Icemaiden on Holiday, 2010

7+8: Inflight, 2010, taken as I was moving out of my flat in Anerley to go to Paris