2017 was a great year for me and I'm extremely grateful to all those who've supported my work along the way! This year, I moved home and studio to historic East Sussex but continue to work in and around London. Being invited to talk on Youth Culture in 2017 and Events Management were highlights of last year, alongside attending the last ever Secret Garden Party back in August. I also continued to enjoy selling prints, both independently and via Float Trouble In Utopia's stall at the Indie Label Market. I have a new website and in a few weeks some of my Drumzofthesouth work will be seen at Tate Modern (thank you Stance Podcast!). I'm also working on a few other exciting projects that will come to light in the new year!

I couldn't have gotten this far without everyone that engages with my work- editors, writers, print buyers, curators, art directors, musicians, artists, collaborators, friends, family and everyone that supports or is friendly on social media... so once again, thank-you to everyone that's been part of my journey up until now.

I look forward to working and collaborating in 2018!  
